A perfect specimen of a Big Eye Tuna, with a cuddle from the proud angler.
A mix of Skipjack, Albacore and Big Eye tunas, all took small baits on light rods so where great fun!
A nice load of Skipjacks, not the biggest of tunas but good fun on the lighter rods and very good eating!
A Yellow Fin tuna took one of our Marlin lures, not complaining though as they are probably the best tasting of all the tuna species, for me anyway.
Another good sized Skipjack being held up by one of our regular anglers who runs her own boat in Jersey.
Was on a Shark trip and the Chum brought some tuna to the boat so we popped over a couple of jigs and got this 48lb Big Eye as a bonus!
A couple of Alabcore tuna with their proud anglers.
A nice chunky Skipjack, one of the smaller tunas but one of the best fighters on light tackle.
Another Big Yellow Fin caught by an Argentine fisherman who got to take a portion home for dinner.
A close up of the same fish, you can see the lure that caught the fish has slipped up the line. Photo a bit distorted because of the water.
a 115kg/253lb Big Eye Tuna just coming to the boat to be landed, one of my favourites!
Albacore, Big Eye and Skipjack tunas.
You can see 4 things here. 1 Jack my son in the foreground spotting for fish. 2. A gull following the fish. 3. The tuna in the bottom right hand corner breaking the surface and 4. The coastline of Tenerife showing you don't have to be far out to get them.
A long, lean Skipjack which looked a bit underweight, if it had been normal proportions it would have been about 8 kilo.
My Brother with a very nice Yellow Fin tuna of over 200lb
One of the Skipjacks that came around the boat when we where fishing at anchor, so we popped a jig over the side and hooked up, they often come close in to the shore in the summer.
See what wearing the right hat can do!!!
'His & Hers' matching Big Eye Tuna's.
A small Yellow Fin Tuna, just as tasty though!!!
My Son Jack with a Big Eye Tuna.
Girls can do just as good as the Boys when it comes to fishing, sometimes better!
Proud owner of a Hard fighting Skipjack. 'Pound for Pound' they are one of the best fighters.
Another free dinner!!!
A small Yellow Fin could not resist the No1 Red/White Rapala
My Son with some nice SkipJack Tuna caught on the lighter rods, great fun!
Young 'Finley' from Scotland proudly holds out he's Tuna, makes a change from Salmon!
Just in case you missed him the 1st time he wanted to show it off again.
These where saved for Shark baits, you cant beat them with their good blood and oil content, just like candy for Sharks!
Another young lady angler gets the Tuna fishing bug, makes our day to see these Kids catch fish.
Not the biggest but still good sport on the lighter rods.
One of our regular's whos 'Fishing Mad' and a very good angler to boot!
An Atlantic Bonito, very similar to Skipjacks but with small teeth and even tastier meat.
Cuddling a worthy catch
Mary with small Skipjack tuna. A small tuna but a big smile to go with it!
'Smoked Tuna anybody?'
Two big smiles to go with two big fish.
17 Tuna caught this day!
One of our favourite regular customers holds up his two Skipjacks.
Another young angler with a long skinny Skipjack tuna.
The best thing is when you get these young boys and girls and see the smile on their faces, one of the perks of the job
Regular Customer David who as also caught Marlin with us proudly poses with this fine Big Eye Tuna.
Another chunky Albacore Tuna, luv'em.
Two Big Eye tunas, can't get enough of them!!!
Two happy fishermen
I think this young lad was happy, just caught him in the wrong pose, who could be pleased with a catch like that!
Two Big Eyes out of three that we caught, we hooked four but lost one.
Three Big Eye tunas on deck
A blurry late, rushed picture of a 60kg Big Eye tuna that was hooked on a light tackle rod and took two and a half hours to get to the boat, quite a feat as 99 times out of 100 most anglers would have snapped the line! Well done to the angler and my son Jack who guided him through it
A couple of Albacore in the back deck